Lobster Ceviche with Pistachio Aguachile


8 servings


Lobster Ceviche

1-½ pounds Raw lobster tail, thinly sliced

1 cup Fresh lime juice

Salt and pepper to taste 


Pistachio Aguachile

¾ cup Pistachios                        

2 tablespoons Serrano pepper   

¾ cup Olive oil              

Salt, to taste     



1 tablespoon Serrano, thinly sliced                     

1 tablespoon Pearl onion, thinly sliced

1 tablespoon Breakfast radish, thinly sliced

Cilantro leaves     

Edible flowers                           

Pistachio oil

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Place the sliced lobster on a plate; add lime juice salt and pepper, to taste.                                                         

In a saucepot, confit pistachio and serrano peppers in the olive oil. Blend and salt, to taste.                                                         

Cover the lobster with the Aguachile; arrange Serrano slices, onion rings, radish slices, cilantro leaves and flowers. Add drops of pistachio oil. Serve with corn tostadas.

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